Maria's Space: Footprints In The Sand by Mary Jane Clark

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Footprints In The Sand by Mary Jane Clark

Pre-Order for January 8th!

FOOTPRINTS IN THE SAND by bestselling author Mary Jane Clark.  This will be the third installment in her critically acclaimed Wedding Cake Mystery series starring fabulous and fearless Piper Donovan. This newest addition to the series is one you definitely don’t want to miss!

A destination wedding: what could possibly go wrong on a beautiful, tranquil beach under a pink and orange sunset in Siesta Key, Florida? The turtle eggs lain underneath the sand break open as baby turtles find their way from the soft white sand, to the delicate azure ocean water.  Dolphins chirp and flip for their beach-goers’ delight, while fish tickle swimmers’ feet. Then there’s the fascinating lives of the Amish folk who populate Siesta Key, as well, offering their hand-made crafts and baked goods to anyone who stumbles across them and their humble living.

There is so much to do, and so much of Siesta Key’s one-of-a-kind nature and residents to appreciate! It’s all too beautiful and unique to be deadly – at least, that’s what Piper thinks as she arrives to be her cousin’s maid of honor, as well as the cake-decorator (of course!).  She can’t wait to spend days relaxing on the warm, enticing sand, or helping her cousin with all the nuptial plans. But soon Piper starts to notice that her cousin isn’t acting like herself, and when it’s revealed that one of the bridesmaids has gone missing, she once again finds herself in the middle of another deadly mystery… and maybe a murderer’s next target!

The 411 by Maria:

I had handed this off to one of my new book reviewers but she was unable to read it stating that she just couldn't get into it with so much going on in her life. Knowing I now had to read it upset me a bit. I didn't have the time and that is why I had finally decided to start handing off some reviews. I opened it wondering why she couldn't get into it. I still am not sure why she couldn't it was a really good story filled with intrigue and mystery. Normally I am not a mystery fan but I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

There is a murder, we know who the victim is, we know who the unwilling accomplice is and we know who the witness is. We also get to hear the voice of the murder although we are unsure of who it is, these chapters from their prospective were my favorite.

The characters are written very well. I could totally see them as Mary wrote what I feel would be a great movie. It still feels like it was a movie. While it was slow at times, I really think the characters, especially Piper, the main character was someone I would hope to be. She is headstrong and never gives up. She keeps trying to piece together this mystery that has rocked this little town. 

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy for my honest opinion.

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