Maria's Space: Camera Critters - RenFaire Horses

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Camera Critters - RenFaire Horses

Camera Critters

The Renaissance Faire is so amazing. If you haven't gone, you need to, it is amazing especially for photographers and people watchers.

These horses used in the joust are so beautiful!

Click photos to enlarge


  1. Wow, just gorgeous! Looks like a fun event to attend to.

    My critters, please come by when you get a chance, have a blessed Sunday!

  2. Anonymous1:40 AM

    What fun. The horses look magnificent.

  3. Nice shots.

    Regards and best wishes

  4. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Horses are beautiful animals. I've always wanted to attend a Renaissance Fair. It looks so fun to dress up and really get into the spirit of the fair!


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