Maria's Space: Heat Brings Monkey Butt! - Fight Back With A Giveaway & Enter Facebook Contest

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Heat Brings Monkey Butt! - Fight Back With A Giveaway & Enter Facebook Contest

Ok, first...I must say, I personally, have never experienced monkey butt! But...I know quite a few family members who talk about this with abandon and zero humiliation.
When I look at the monkey on the monkey butt bottle, I wonder if I would be this happy if my butt was this red! Thankfully, I will never have to know because under my sink there are three cans of monkey butt powder just waiting for the moment my butt turns a crimson red.

What I Can Tell You:  The name is fun, the packaging makes us laugh every time we use it or show it to others. Everyone who has entered the house has been introduced to it and they all love it.  Everyone has loved the smell too!

Anti Monkey Butt Powder is the go-to product for those who work or play hard, since it prevents and soothes “monkey butt” (a fun term used for the soreness, itching, and redness that affects one’s backside as the result of friction and sweat). Now, Anti Monkey Butt Powder is covering athletes’ backsides in a different way — sponsorship!

The Anti Monkey Butt Powder “Sponsor My Butt” Contest runs until May 31, 2011. Ten lucky teams will be randomly selected to win a prize package, which includes:

·         $100 American Express Gift Card for supplies, travel, beer money, etc.
·         10 Anti Monkey Butt Powder T-shirts
·         10 Anti Monkey Butt Powder hats
·         10 bottles of Original Anti Monkey Butt Powder
·         10 bottles of Lady Anti Monkey Butt Powder

Winning teams will also be able to share photos and videos of themselves on the Anti Monkey Butt Powder Facebook page.

The official entry form for the “Sponsor My Butt” Contest will be available on the Anti Monkey Butt Powder Facebook page at  

Thanks to the fine folks over at Anti Monkey Butt, I have a giveaway to offer my readers.

The Giveaway: The Original Anti Monkey Butt Powder and The Lady's Monkey Butt Powder

Sponsor: Anti Monkey Butt Powder

To Win:
Mandatory Entry. If this is not followed, none of your extra entries will count. Like Anti Monkey Butt on Facebook. Leave me a comment telling me that you did by Midnight, March 30, 2011!

For Extra Entries:
*Blog about this giveaway and leave me the link for (5 extra entries) (each entry must be separate).
*Subscribe to my newsletter/email (3 entries) (each entry must be separate)
*Follow my blog (2 entries) (each entry must be separate)
*Follow me on Networked Blogs (2 entries)
*Tweet ((leave your link) (3 entries)
*Join My BlogFrog Community
*Share this post on Facebook by using the button below.
*Enter another giveaway on my blog and let me know which one.
*Comment on a non-giveaway post and tell me which one (up to 10 comments).
*Become a fan of Maria's Space on Facebook (Not my personal Facebook) and post a message that you entered with a link to the giveaway on your Facebook page and leave a link to the message in the entry form (3 Entries).
*Add me to your blog roll and leave the link (3 Entries)
*Add my main button to your side bar

*Open to US only.
Disclosure: I am hosting this giveaway for Anti Monkey Butt 
who supplied the giveaway product. 
I received no monetary compensation and all opinions are my own.


  1. liked anti monkey but on facebook

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  10. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I like you on Facebook
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  14. i liked the butt powder on fb as debbie jackson

  15. Anti Monkey Butt Powder FB Fan!

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  19. Hi, I liked Monkey-Butt on facebook :)

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  21. I liked Maria's space on facebook. :)

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  23. I also entered your Black Swan giveway.

    *fingers crossed*

  24. I like Anti Monkey Butt Powder on facebook (Louis Here)
    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

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    schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com


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