Maria's Space: Alphabe-Thursday - R

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Alphabe-Thursday - R

Today at Alphabe-Thursday the letter is R. Let's see what we have in the Flickr Folder today.

R = Rolling. My kids have not owned a sled yet. They simply roll and slide down the hill on our property.
rolling down the hill-blogged

rolling not sledding - blogged

R = Running. The kids love playing in the snow. I understand and loved it too when was a kid. These days can't warm up and just want to go inside. Usually we stay out for an hour and a half. Thankfully Teach usually sends me inside after and hour and takes the last half. He takes them out almost every day. Thank God he does, I would simply send them to the deck if it were up to me.



  1. My brother and I would slide down the hill on a flattened cardboard box, but Dad had this one piece winter jumpsuit that zipped up in the front. He would just slide down on his belly...usually with one of us kids riding on top! Thanks for bringing back some wonderful winter memories.

  2. Anonymous2:48 PM

    These are wonderful photo! Real fun was had in them.

  3. That was so cute. Every time I try to sled I end up photos.

  4. Love the rolling pics!! You are wonderful to go outside with them in the cold for that long! I'm too much of a wimp!!

  5. That is HILarious!! Too fun...just goes to show you do not need store-bought goods to find adventure! Happy AlphabeThursday!

  6. Ohh they must get some crazy carpets !

  7. That is a GREAT hill for rolling!!

  8. Looks like they had a lot of fun, and I'm sure slept well:@)

  9. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Great photos! We used to roll down the hills when we were kids too!

  10. I remember doing that also.

    It's actually a little safer, sleds have sharp edges that can run over little fingers!

  11. Great shots! Especially love the running man! LOL

  12. Looks like lots of fun! my kids are all grown now but I remember like it was yesterday our outdoor adventures. Bravo to you mom for staying out as long as you did

  13. What!!!!???? They haven't sledded on cookie trays and pizza pans? When my kids were small and I lived in a snowbelt area I finally had to buy them sleds...couldn't find my baking stuff otherwise!

    Thanks for a sweet link to Alphabe-Thursday's letter "R".

    Loved this happy post.



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