Maria's Space: Dream Recounting by My Kids

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Dream Recounting by My Kids

It is strange to hear my son recount his dreams. This started last Friday.

He woke up in the morning and started telling his dream to us as if it had actually happened. I asked him if he had had a dream and he said yes.

Handsome - "Goddess, you fell into the toilet and daddy pulled you out. You have to be careful. ok?"

Goddess - "No I didn't! I didn't fall in. Mommy Handsome is saying I fell in the toilet."

Handsome - "Yes you did and you have to be careful" (which he says as Tareful).

Me - "Oh honey, it's ok. He was just dreaming."

Goddess - "Ok, but the next time I fall in the toilet, can someone call mommy."

The Teach/Husband - "Oh fine! I won't save you next time."

Me - "Why are we arguing over something that didn't happen people? It was only a dream!"

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    HA! I LOVE your family :)

    I can SO see The Teach telling Goddess to get herself outta' the potty next time...CLASSIC!


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