Maria's Space: My Life In Pictures - January 8 - 18

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

My Life In Pictures - January 8 - 18

 January 8 - I was early getting to work so got out to take some photos. I love the warm glow of this lantern with the white house and flag!

January 9 -  My daughter found this cute octopus at Walmart and was all "Can I have it?" Ahhhh no honey, you would have to move out of your bedroom. There is only room for one of you!

January 10 -  Back on the album kick. I truly wish I hadn't thrown away all my crates of albums. My husband called me a hoarder so I got rid of them. It is one of my biggest regrets among quite a few that are currently piling up! Oh well, at least I held onto a hand full.

January 11 - Just me! Standing in my classroom waiting for the day to start! I could not wait for these masks situation to end!

January 12 - Acai Bowl for lunch. I used a wonderful Christmas gift card from one of my students. It was truly delicious.

January 13 - I made my class a parking garage for them to manipulate cars into parking spots. It isn't as easy as you think. My class are 2 year olds and they needed some help figuring out how to put the cars between the tape. They love cars so I figured this was a fun way to play with letter P for parking.

January 14 -  NADA

January 15 - My two sock gnomes using Dollar Tree items. It was so much fun and started my latest craze.

January 16 -  My little rocker gnome. I love this guy in his little pea coat and skull cap.  I made him using socks from Dollar Tree, a black sock, Mop and pantyhose over a small ball nose. 

January 17 - NADA

January 18 - My girl!!! She always hides but I think she is so beautiful.

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