Maria's Space: We Could All Use. A Laugh! Check Out Jen Fuilwiler on Amazon

Monday, November 23, 2020

We Could All Use. A Laugh! Check Out Jen Fuilwiler on Amazon

Jen Fulwiler as a bestselling author, a queen of the weird Catholics, or a mother of 6 who also hosted her own Sirius XM show, but she is also a standup comedian who is poised to release a family-friendly comedy special, sure to keep the whole family entertained over the holidays (at least for 1.5 hours or so!).

The 411:

Laughing is one of my favorite things to do In the whole world. Jen definitely is funny. I loved that her jokes are peppered in Catholicism. Has this ever been done before? What I loved most was that I could watch this in the living room, while my kids were awake without wearing headphones. This never happens. She is funny without being disgusting. Don’t get me wrong, I love humor in all forms but Jen was funny without being Naughty which is interesting since the comedy special is called The Naughty Corner.

Btw if you ever wondered what the stars of the new Fast and Furious Movie should be driving, it’s a mini van driven by The Rock. Makes sense, Just ask Jen. 

I loved Jennifer Fulwiler’s The Naughty Corner and if you love comedy and want to see how a homeschooling mom of six can be funny, check out her special on Amazon Prime.

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