Maria's Space: My Life In Pictures - October 14 - October 20

Saturday, October 27, 2018

My Life In Pictures - October 14 - October 20

October 14 - This is Owen! Isn't he beautiful. He has since been adopted. Of course. Look at that face. As a shelter volunteer we fall in love with so many cats. Owen is a really sweet boy and I am so happy he has a home.

October 15 - So fun! This candy was amazing. I love PopRocks and this was even better.

October 16 - Out for tacos with a good friend. I really owe her. She is so good to me. Not much older than me but very motherly. Exactly what my motherless daughter heart needs.

 October 17 - This boy is so excited over the Five Nights at Freddy's book pack

October 18 - Do you see that little hole on the lower right side in the blue part of the house. This little cat heard us talking and walking and came out of that hole to say hi. It was such a beautiful cat. We make friends no matter where we go. Goddess and I spent the day together because she had a half day. It was gorgeous weather so we headed to Sugar Loaf

October 19 - My girl went to her first school dance. She didn't love it but managed to have a decent time. I laughed at all the SOS text messages she sent. She didn't love the music feeling as though some of it inappropriate. I love that she went even though she wasn't totally comfortable. I picked up her friend so she would have someone to walk in with instead of meeting there. They are adorable and know each other since preschool.

October 20 - We did merchant Trick or Treating with some of Goddess friends. I love that we live in a small town were you can walk down the street and know practically everyone. Bet you don't know who Goddess is.

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