Maria's Space: My Life In Photos Catch Up - Aug 17th - Aug 25th

Sunday, October 14, 2018

My Life In Photos Catch Up - Aug 17th - Aug 25th

August 17 - Breakfast with a friend. I use to make an effort to take selfies. I thought it was important for my kids to have photos for when I am gone. I don't have many of my mom who passed when I was 12. It would be nice to have more of her. I need to find more time for selfies. Life is fast so take selfies! Your children will miss you one day and they will be all they have.

August 18 -Yup another selfie only this time I was more self conscious because I was in the mall. My son's Godmother and my friend met once a year for breakfast and to catch up on life. It is only our second year doing it but I really look forward to it.

August 19 - Way better than any of my selfies is this little fur ball. Sage is such a tiny cat but she is a feisty one. When she sleeps she looks completely innocent like most babies. Awake she is a force to be reckoned with.

August 20 -  Not a great selfie by any means but I think these type of shots keep you honest. I don't step on scales because I was bulimic in my 20s and 30s. I never want anything to be about a number so I try to make sure I feel healthy by taking my vitamins, hitting the gym, taking a circuit class and eating a balance of healthy food. During the summer I hit the gym at 4:45 am and was back home by 6 am so that I could be there for the kids. It felt great and I loved it. Now that I am back at work I take classes which works really well. I do love the gym and hope to figure out a way to get back. It has been 3 weeks.

August 21 - When Sage wakes from her naps she likes to nurse on our shirts. This was her nursing on my top. She will nurse for 45 minutes if you let her. It really is the only time you get to hold her so I will nurse if timing is right.

August 22 - Cleaning during the summer is how I keep the kids off their electronics when we are home. This particular day was cleaning all the ceiling fans. I think it is so important for them to clean. They need to do their fair share. I remind them when they say they don't want to that I also don't want to work, cook for them, clean, do their laundry, grocery shop and have to ask them to help. They are really good about now but only because they have been doing it since they are 3.

August 23 - This was before we found out Jinxy was a boy. Goddess decided it would be cute to put our cats in her stuffed animal's dress. Is it not the cutest?

August 24 -  Look at that crazyJinxy face. I love him so much. He is the sweetest cat.

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