Maria's Space: Reading Will Give You Wings #readabook

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Reading Will Give You Wings #readabook

The Highest Mountain of Books In The World by Rocio Bonvilla

Lucas was convinced he was born to fly. He spent hours watching birds and airplanes in flight and tried to design his own sets of wings -- many times. But each time they failed. He wrote letters to Santa, pleading for help, but was disappointed with the toy wings and capes he received. Then one day, something magical happened, without him even knowing it. His mother put a book in his hands -- and Lucas began to fly. And fly. And fly. Both a delightful story and a celebration of the wonder of books and their power to transport us to places beyond our imagination.
  • Ages 4 to 8.

The 411: 

Lucas wishes he could fly. He makes himself wings and even asks Santa for a pair. Much to his disappointment he gets only toys wings which don't work! One day his mom hands him a book that allows him to fly using his imagination. Lucas gets the reading bug and reads so many books that he builds a huge mountain that takes him further into the clouds than he ever thought possible.
This is a great book for kids filled with great illustrations and a clever story line. It shows how reading books allows us to go anywhere we want just by reading. Reading is something we can enjoy all the days of our life. I hope to be like Lucas and never stop flying.

To Purchase:

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion.  My reviews are 100% honest and true based on my personal opinion not on a company’s description or request. I am not employed by any company I review for. No monetary compensation was received.

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