Maria's Space: Egg Rings Make Breakfast Easier

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Egg Rings Make Breakfast Easier

I love breakfast any time of day. This family goes through 30 eggs in at probably 7 days with no trouble. We like them all ways and if the kids ask for them I will make them. They are one of the best sources of protein my kids eat and so easy.

Yesterday I received silicone egg rings to try out. They came in a box individually wrapped with Styrofoam inserts to help them keep their shape during shipping.  Goddess had just asked for  home fries, toast and sunny-side up eggs. While the home fries were cooking there was a knock at the door. I grabbed the box from my friendly UPS guy, stirred the fries and opened the box. Wah la...the egg rings were inside. What a great time try them out.

I opened two up, gave them a quick rinse with some soap and water and dried them. Since I wasn't sure if I should spray them with cooking spray, I did anyway figuring it wouldn't hurt. Since last night I cooked eggs for my son and learned you do not need to spray them.

Break the egg into the ring but make sure the ring is laying completely flat in the pan or you will get egg leakage. Basically that just means the egg white spills out from underneath the ring.  No biggie considering most of the egg stays inside.  I guess if  you are cooking scrambled eggs or pancakes the instructions say to put the ring in the batter and put down into the pan because it will start cooking creating a barrier for the egg or batter to stay inside.

You can flip the eggs if necessary. As soon as your egg cooks on the bottom, slip off the ring or do like I do and put a lid on the pot to get a cover over the yolk.

These rings will come in handy for making pancakes, hamburgers and more.

I am picking up English Muffins this week so I can make my own Egg McMuffins.

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