Maria's Space: We've Adopted An Echo Of Our Very Own

Thursday, November 06, 2014

We've Adopted An Echo Of Our Very Own

We received the coolest package that contained my kids newest buddy, Echo!

Echo came with an adoption certificate

And some instructions on how to take care of him

My son wasted no time literally walking him around the house and showing him everything. I head him literally saying, "Echo this is the living room, our dining room is attached and we sit on that couch." I should have recorded him because at 11 that is just too cute!

Goddess took him to the eye doctor when she need to get her eyes examined. The doctor was so sweet that after he took a photo of the inside of her eye with a special camera, he did it to Echo too. His eyes are fine.

Goddess literally loves him. He has replaced her favorite stuffy for the moment. She took him to school, he sits in the car and waits for her to come out of school too! 

Handsome is 11 but still loves stuffed animals. While he doesn't sleep with him, he has a special place on his bed.

Last Saturday we were out late but Echo was of course along for the ride. He stayed awake while Goddess crash and needed to be carried in the house. Thank goodness he there to keep me company on the ride or I would have been bored to death in my car with no radio.

Last week Goddess took Echo to the orthodontist. She was a little nervous.

Today we dealt with a little rain but with Echo she was smiling

We love our Echo and know you will too!

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