Maria's Space: Straight Out Of The Camera - Goddess and A Frosty Sally

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Straight Out Of The Camera - Goddess and A Frosty Sally

This was an easy pic for the category Straight Out Of The Camera! Wednesday into Thursday we found ourselves in 10 inches of heavy snow in my area. It was beautiful and a very interesting Thanksgiving! We were supposed to go to my in-laws who we were very excited to see. They are only here 6 months of the year and spend the rest of their time in Spain. The kids were counting down the days but with the heavy snow and no electricity we opted to stay close to home. The turkey was in the fridge already defrosted as a back up plan (the snow was expected), the generator was on, and the fireplace.

Honestly it wasn't a bad day at all except we didn't have a traditional Thanksgiving meal with our extended family. I am a firm believe in everything happens for a reason and staying close to home with my little family served me just fine. My town is very generous and everyone was on generators and offering up their ovens or a meal but we stayed home.

My daughter and I played some board games and we got diner food to go for dinner but it was a great day all in all. I wanted my family together and we were.

During the day Goddess headed to the deck for a while and created a snowman on her own. We watched her roll it by, creating the biggest snowman we have ever had on our property.

Here she is trying to figure out how to get that body onto the first part.

Daddy was kind enough to go out and assist.

She is making sure it will not fall off.  LOL this photo shows how she puts her whole body into it.

Completely reinforced

She called her Sally! Here is a faceless Sally

A trip to the yard hailed us some stones for eyes and buttons

She loves Her! I love her too because she doesn't have a mouth which means less talking in my world. Not a bad thing!

This frog hat makes me crack up every time.

One more kiss!


  1. Nice photos, I love to see how it goes funny snowman building !!

  2. She had a blast putting him together. You can tell by her smiles!


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