Maria's Space: Falling Star By Laura DeLuca Is A Girl's Dream

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Falling Star By Laura DeLuca Is A Girl's Dream


Drew DiPalma feels like he’s living a lie. He’s had it with his Hollywood persona, the high-maintenance women, and his sleazy agent. To escape the madness, he flees to a tourist town he’d often visited as a child. He never expected to find love on that little island. Then he stumbles upon Lainey alone on the swing set of a deserted beach.

After a dozen internet dating disasters, Lainey Riccardo has given up on romance—until she meets a West Coast hunk who has no trouble winning her heart. But Lainey only knows him as Drew, not the Oscar-nominated actor who’s constantly scandalized in the tabloids. When she learns the truth, will the small town Jersey girl be able to accept Drew’s fast-paced life? Or will the truth drive her away forever?

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Laura “Luna” DeLuca lives at the beautiful Jersey shore with her husband and four children.  In addition to writing fiction, Laura is also the editor of a popular review blog called New Age Mama. Her works include romantic thrillers, paranormal fiction, contemporary romance, and young adult.

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The 411:

Falling Star is about two people from very different parts of the world. Jersey Shore girl Lainey lives and works in a Wildwood New Jersey and Drew is across the US living a rising actors dream.

When Drew decides to take a break and heads to the shore a place he recalls was relaxing to him as a child he meets Lainey. Lainey is just chilling alone on a swing, feeling the wind in her hair when suddenly a sexy stranger is way to close. She does what any Jersey Girl would do in this situation and threatens him. Intrigued by this sexy, strong woman he decides he will make it his mission to get to know her while keeping his true star identity hidden.

I loved how Laura added so many details about the Jersey Shore. I even appreciated how Drew wanted to keep his identity hidden and escape the celebrity world for a little while. I found myself really upset with him when he would pass up every opportunity to tell Lainey the truth as they discovered more about each other especially when she was so open and honest with him.

Knowing a little about Laura DeLuca I loved how she weaved in more elements of Wicca this time around. Some of my favorite parts revolved around Lainey and her girlfriends. Laura must be a really great girlfriend because all of her girl characters tend to have a awesome friends who really know and support each other.

At times I felt like I was reading a Laura DeLuca biography. Jersey Girl, Wicca, and a desire to be a Writer. Sounds like Laura to me.

Laura characters are always very real. You feel like they can be your friends and to be totally honest, this was my favorite Laura DeLuca book yet and I have reviewed a few.

I highly recommend this book about friendship, romance, and forgiveness. Great job Laura

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the review, Maria! Glad you enjoyed it. There is a lot of me in Lainey though no one would ever get me to ride on the Sling Shot. LOL :)


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