Maria's Space: The Kids In Motion

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Kids In Motion

They say a body in motion stays in motion and watching field day this year at my kids school made for some very active kids.

Last year I was allowed in the area to take photos, this year with the new no parent beyond the border rule, not so much. I had to stay in the spectator area. Kinda pissed me off because I work in the school, have been finger printed and all but I get it. Safety first and if they make amends for me, they have to allow for others but it made it more difficult to take great photos.

My favorite shot of my kids was not taken by me but by her teacher. I love this picture!

This is the one I got, thank God her teacher was there.
Best teacher ever for this photo loving mom. She was always with a camera around her neck and sent us photos from class every month.

Here is Handsome waiting to shoot some balls with a hockey stick into a net. He did unbelievably good.

He shoots and SCORES!

Goddess was mostly spotted Running from here to there

She didn't see me and I was too far for her to hear me shouting.

Handsome did spot me....

And ran over for a hug....

 That's my boy
I did however get to join Goddess and her class at their picnic lunch. I love her class and got to sit and hang out with her and her two besties. These girls have been together ever year since they are 3 and were in Pre-K hopefully next year they either keep them together or split the 3 up into 3 separate classrooms. Time will tell if their friendship stands the test of time.

They are so much fun and so funny together. 


One of the boys joined in for a photo.

Even I got in there for a moment

Handsome came later, I had to go but at least I got to say see you later.

I have known so many of these kids since they were babies and some their moms before they were born so it really is a great day for me when I can be at the school.

Seeing the kids run, jump and play outdoors during school makes me happy. I wish they got to do it more often but at least they get this once a year and I think they all look forward to it.


  1. Great photos!!! Love the one of the girls with the hands to their faces!

    1. Thanks Freda. I love that picture. Going to frame it for all three girls

  2. I love seeing kids in action just being kids! The girls sure look like they were having fun mugging for the camera. Makes me smile remembering those days. Sorry you had to be further away but you took some great pics at any rate!

    1. Thank you Robin! It sucked and didn't get the quality of the year before but at least I got the year before. Have to always look on the bright side.

  3. Field days are so much fun! Great action shots.


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