Maria's Space: I Am SO Loving My MitoQ - One of the Best Products For My Skin

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I Am SO Loving My MitoQ - One of the Best Products For My Skin

Probably the best skin cream I have tried ever. I am loving it! 

  1. Re-desnify skin to heal and prevent fine lines and wrinkles
  2. Fade scars, brown spots and skin discoloration
  3. Reduce blemishes with its lightening and brightening effects
  4. Achieve radiant and hydrated skin within one day 
  5. Achieve noticeable softer skin within three days
  6. Achieve younger skin with less fine wrinkles and scars within 30 days

(shows up at 7:51 in this video)
The 411 by Maria: 

They say you get what you pay for and this is definitely a higher end product at least in my world. I can tell you that while this product isn't something you can find in the drug store, it is definitely worth it. Now I know what you are saying, there ha to be something compatible in my price range and and maybe there is, if you find it, let me know because again, I truly love this product. 

What I love about it:

It goes on beautifully. Smooth and absorbs into the skin quickly leaving zero feeling of having something on your skin.

I have not broken out with any pimples since I started it. Usually when I try a new product the first indication my skin needs to time get used to it is a pimple or two or even three. They are usually just small but there are there. NO PIMPLES at all. 

The main ingredient is CoQ10, a co-enzyme, a functional molecule present in every cell in the body. Co-enzymes are like catalysts that help enzymes perform their function effectively. CoQ is a perfectly designed molecule and is one of nature’s ultimate antioxidants. It is present in all cells in high levels when we are young but concentrations reduce steadily as we age. 

It reduces the lines of aging quickly. I think my skin feels better and looks better. 

Two to three pumps of the serum to your face and neck or even your cleavage and you are good to go. They say it takes 4 to 6 weeks for younger looking skin but I can tell you out of all the creams, moisturizers, serums, anti-aging products I have tried, MitoQ is amazing!!!!


  1. I was lucky enough to win a bottle of this in one of their FB giveaways a few months ago. I thought it would be hype, but I loved it too. Sadly, there is no way on this earth that I could ever afford to purchase it. Not even with the offer they have now, which could be split between me and a friend. At the time I won it, it cost $180. Worth every single cent if you can afford it!

    1. It is the best and I completely agree with you. One of the best creams I have ever used. Hopefully my birthday money covers most of another bottle because momma wants to look good.

  2. I've noticed a few age spots on my face lately along with a few fine lines and would love to try MitoQ. It sounds like a really good product and being over 40 myself, I need a good anti-aging product :)

  3. i hadnt heard of this brand yet! sounds like pretty great quality

  4. Just ordered two bottle, then got a free one for a friend (I had them send it to my assistant, who of course knew to bring it directly to me!) I noticed a difference in the first three days---and so did everyone else. My only problem was that since I ordered two bottle (totaling over the customs limit on $300) US Customs held onto to for three days--and only after we send them an email with the ingredients, the company headquarters and manufacturers (both in NZ) and a signed statement that I would not try to re-sell the product. Then once it cleared customs it was seized in a spot check by the FDA for another 3 days....finally had it delivered today!


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