Maria's Space: Our Weekends Look Pretty Much Like This

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Our Weekends Look Pretty Much Like This

Scenic Weekends

This particular weekend was very overcast but it was a beautiful day anyway.

One of the reasons is because of husband and kids together in the water. Usually it is only the kids and I. When he is with us, we go to a bigger beach where the kids can swim out and jump off a floating platform.

My favorite part is watching my two boys on the platform. Handsome is not allowed to go out there without his dad. I get nervous because it is deep and I worry about him getting caught up under the platform. It can happen. Did happen to a young man and the results weren't good. Rest his soul. That very platform! So, you can imagine why I am so nervous.

Look at my man just standing there looking good!

Because the boys were out there and I was on the sand taking photos, Goddess spent time playing in the sand which she never does now that she swims and isn't afraid to put her head under the water.
She is just so cute in her pretty purple bathing suit and beautiful hair.
These guys have it made with their party boat and slide beautiful baby because she is truly my muse and I love taking photos of her.
How are you guys spending your weekend?


  1. Looks like you are having a wonderful weekend. Where are pics of you?
    Would like to talk to you about another book giveaway contest for my latest book - So You Wanna Read Tarot? Are you game?
    Have fun in the sun.
    Love, Debbie

    1. DL would love to! Pictures of me are hard to come by because no one else ever has a camera.

  2. Amazing having a boat with a built in water slide. A clever idea. And it's a good idea to be cautious about the platform. Interesting photos.

    1. So cool. I would love to check out that boat with the slide.

  3. How wonderful to spend times like that as a family! I don't blame you one bit about being nervous...I am deathly afraid of the water. My son was never allowed in open water without my husband either. The water looks beautiful.

    1. Thanks the water is lovely and we pretty much go daily. Fun times and memories for the kids for the rest of their lives.

  4. we went to the lake as well! no platform at this one, but some lake around us do have them, and I wont let my 12 year old on it without an adult either

  5. Your beach looks so much like the one we went to when I was little. What great memories you are creating!

    1. I think so too MD! It is all about giving the kids a good summer. I would prefer not going because the sun and heat don't agree with me but they love it.

  6. Hot husband alert!!! :)

  7. Wherever that beach is the scenery is gorgeous! Just look at all those trees. You guys sure look like your having fun out there too. I'm landlocked where I am right now and really miss the beach. So jealous right now :)

    1. Aww don't be jealous. It is a very quiet town. Hope you are having fun now.


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