Maria's Space: Advil® PM SleepHelp Giveaway Package

Friday, July 05, 2013

Advil® PM SleepHelp Giveaway Package

National Sleep Foundation, says that 95% of people use smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other devices before heading to bed.  I spend so much time online as so my kids and I usually tell them they need to get off any of these devices an hour and a half before they head to bed, "you need to shut down your brain, before bed" however I never follow my own device.  My husband is not only on his phone or laptop before bed but uses his smartphone as an alarm every morning.  So with all that said, is it any wonder that we are having trouble falling asleep?

If you are like me, you seriously need to check out the new, free Advil® PM SleepHelp app. This app features essential tips (rated by actual users) to help you through every stage of sleep—from winding down before bed to getting through the day after a difficult night’s rest.

Popular tips include: 

·               What types of foods can help you sleep
·               Why you should sing if you snore
·               How to create a sleep oasis
·               The ideal temperature for sleeping
·               How to handle noisy partners
·               And more.

Also, the SleepHelp app helps you understand your personal sleep patterns and sleep routines to help you sleep better and get more out of your days. The app’s Sleep Better alarm features recommended sleep times and Wind Down Alerts based on your desired wake up time and individual circadian rhythm. 

You can download the Advil PM SleepHelp App here

  and while there get yourself a $1.00 coupon for Advil PM.

It gets better,  Advil PM wants to gift one of my readers with a SleepHelp Giveaway Package which will include:

-          Samples of Advil® PM
-          Fleece blanket
-          Memory Foam Neck Pillow
-          Hot / Cold Gel Eye Mask 

We love the app and the SleepHelp Giveaway Package and have fought over the neck pillow at least 5 times in the past few days. 

Goddess just had to pose with the Advil PM SleepHelp Package! She loves the eye patch while I love my ADVIL!
ahhh...Advil PM, I LOVE YOU!
Please enter the Rafflecopter for your chance to win!

 a Rafflecopter giveaway  

Disclaimer: No monetary compensation was received. I received a complimentary package. The giveaway will be fulfilled by the sponsor.


  1. My sister has a difficult time getting to sleep after working afternoons. Her legs will ache and she cannot go to sleep

  2. Have some problems sleeping because of leg cramps!!

  3. Anonymous1:06 PM

    I have insomnia and other sleep issues.

  4. Sounds, smells and the floor vibrations usually are what wake me up. :/

  5. My kid usually wakes me up or fights going to bed


    I have neck/back pain so I wake up several times during the night to get comfortable. I could do with a good night's sleep :)


  7. I often have neck/shoulder pain after laying in bed for a while and can not sleep.

  8. my brain won't stop working

  9. I am in a Lupus flare that affects my sleep ~ argh!

  10. I get walking legs at night and they make it hard to sleep at times.. feels like they won't stay still Restless Leg Syndrome)

  11. I have a hard time falling back to sleep if I wake up during the night

  12. I suffer with really bad insomnia.

  13. I am a very light sleeper so any noise wakes me up. The fridge, the ac kicking on, or the neighbors dog :(

  14. Allergies are the culprit!

  15. Mostly my neck, it gets so stiff and hurts to much to fall asleep. I've always had trouble sleeping though.

  16. I have sleep apnea so that makes it difficult

  17. I always have trouble falling asleep and I know many others do t o. I'm glad a major brand company like Advil is doing something about it.

  18. I have severe back pain that hinders my sleep.

  19. Allergies and sinus problems disturb my sleep.

    janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

  20. Not being able to get comfortable!

  21. I always seem to have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and I also wake up often and can't get back to sleep too easily. That on top of the fact that when I actually get to bed it takes me forever to find that comfortable position. Sleepy time is not easy for me...
    Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway!


  22. I usually don't have any problems falling asleep but I wake up several times during the night and never feel rested.

  23. I work crazy hours, don't sleep well if I am hot and I have a hard time "turning my brain off" about problems of the day. That adds up to problems sleeping for me.

  24. I have just finished a 5 year period of insomnia in which I was only getting 45-90 mins of sleep a night. It was maddening. It is much better now, with 3-5 hours sleep per night, but I still have problems turning my mind of to go to sleep & then staying asleep. Once I wake up, I am wide awake & ready to get out of bed immediately.

  25. My husband's work hours, he gets home anytime between 2 - 5!

  26. my health, I don't sleep well at all

  27. chronic pain after an accident in March makes it hard for me to sleep well nowadays.

  28. I have a lot of pain conditions and am nocturnal. We still haven't found a solution to help me get past it.

    Jamie Brigham
    PrettyInPinkWife @ aol dot com


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