Maria's Space: Emma's Secret by Steena Holmes - REVIEW

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Emma's Secret by Steena Holmes - REVIEW

The 411 by Maria:

This is the sequel to Finding Emma which I read last year (my Finding Emma Review). Emma is back with her family after 2 years of being kidnapped by a senile sad, old woman and her family is trying their best to cope while finding a new normal with their very confused and sad 6 year old. What is a mom racked with guilt supposed to do? Megan is overprotective and trying hard to get through to Emma. Her fear of losing her. Her anger toward the kidnappers and her insecurities in her marriage are too much to bear and the one really suffering is Emma.

This is a great sequel. We get to hear Megan's voice, Peter's voice, Jack's voice and Dottie's voice even though it is only through journals her husband Jack reads while going through her things.

Steena creates a family full of life and love who are trying to put themselves back together after one of the most horrific things a parent can go through. Each member is important to the story. I read this book in one afternoon at the beach and can't wait to tell my friends about it.  I truly love each and every character especially Peter just like my review of the first book. Peter and Jack are the men woman should have in their life.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds interesting to read as it's every parents nightmare to have a child go missing 'shudders'. I'd like to read this book but would have to read the prequel Finding Emma first.


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