Maria's Space: My Town Loves Their Legos & Get Togethers

Sunday, January 20, 2013

My Town Loves Their Legos & Get Togethers

Living in a small town has many perks. We all know each other and we all get together often. Our kids have been together since they weren't even crawling yet as most of us joined the local Mom and Tot groups knowing our kids would one day be in classrooms together. It is wonderful to live where we all enjoy each others company and want to spend time together. After being someone who moved over 34 times in her life knowing a lot of people was important to me and I want my kids to have a sense of community like I never had growing up.

One of the things that have enabled our town to come together has unknowingly been Legos. I don't even know how it started or when, but our kids Christmas and birthday lists often include Legos so when the Post Office told me that many of the past few years Santa letters have included Legos; I was not surprised.. We do a lot of trading and swapping of Lego Construction Sets and at the three times a year community yard sales they are always the first to go.  At our online tagsale site which works in real time, they are purchased 3-10 minutes after listing. They are truly one of the hottest commodity in my area.

Lego City playtime is so big here that we even have a private group that meets twice a month at the library. We find it is a great way to structure social skill sessions and teach public speaking skills, as the kids build self-designed cities together.  Working together they are building healthy social relationships, and of course, having tons of Lego fun! Even the parents who bring the kids end up sitting at the table and structuring their own designs.

Tomorrow I am heading out with Goddess to a birthday party for her classmate. What is he asking for you wonder?  Why Lego Construction Sets of course! Handsome got a duplicate over Christmas that we are re-gifting along with a Lego Star Wars DVD we picked up this week.

Pictures coming. I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow. Getting together with my friends is one of the best parts of living in my small community, there is always ways to see each other outside of the normal school, PTSA, Brownie, library, and soccer club meetings. No one ever complains that there are too many kid birthday parties because we parents get a play date since we all know each other too!

I love my town. 


  1. Love it! I can't wait until my kids are old enough to enjoy Legos!

  2. This brings back so many wonderful memories. My 2 brothers and I played for hours!

  3. I loved playing Legos with my dad and now with my daughter. I can't wait to visit the new Lego store that opened in Atlanta. You are so lucky to live in such a close community :)


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