Maria's Space: Getting My First Facial Peel! + A GIVEAWAY

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Getting My First Facial Peel! + A GIVEAWAY

Getting a facial peel wasn't something I ever saw myself doing. After having worked for a dermatologist for years before becoming a mom I saw many woman come in after having them done with all kinds of problems for the doctor to take care of. However, with that being said, I am all for doing what I can do to make sure my skin looks its best short of surgery. I don't believe in cosmetic surgery and like having expressions. When I was approached to try out The Skin Regime I was skeptical but thought, why not!? After speaking with Dana Ramos the author of The Skin Regime and a skin-care enthusiast who swears by The Skin Regime, I was really excited to get started. I received a sample in the mail and got cold feet. Dana called me and together we came up with a plan to help me get over my fear which was to try the sample on my wrist and if there was no problem, move to my face. So...I did... Here is how it went down.

There was no redness, no peeking, my skin didn't fall off and it was super easy. 

Here are two woman who have tried The Skin Regime. 

 This is Dawn, who looks fabulous.

This is Nora, look at the difference on her face!
If these photos don't make you want to jump in and try The Skin Regime, how about The Tanning Mom!  You all know who she is unless you have been living in a cave. Check out her photos here.


If you have always wondered if you are doing the best for your skin, wonder no more. Dana Ramos has figured it all out for you and you can learn about it too. There is no need to purchase expensive facial creams, cleaners, toners, or what have ya! It is all in the ingredients. Who would have thought reading about skin would have been so much fun?

Thanks to the powers that be; I have a super giveaway for one of my lucky readers. You can get your very own The Skin Regime Book and sample of the peel I did in my video by entering on the Rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I will be doing more peels so watch for more information and another bigger giveaway in the future.


  1. I do my 'ablutions' nightly, and they include a gentle cleanser, a serum and a night cream. Once or twice a week I use an exfoliator (Cure Natural Aqua Gel...the most amazing beauty product I've ever used!) and a mask. I'd love to try the glycolic peel!

    h4schaffer at gmail dot com

  2. I use a good day moisturizer and then a night moisturizer.


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