Maria's Space: Add Pizazz To Your Hair Without Making It Permanent + GIVEAWAY

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Add Pizazz To Your Hair Without Making It Permanent + GIVEAWAY

Goddess and I wear a lot of hair accessories. She just turned 7 and while I am almost 40 years older we share many of them. One of our favorites are hair clips with colored streaks. We love the change and how you can add them to different looks but don't have to do anything to actually alter the color of your hair. This is a trend that will be around for a while and Scunci has the perfect product to help you with this fun trend.

You no longer have to make a permanent commitment to you hair risking dryness or expensive extensions.

With Scünci® hot streaks which come in pink, purple, blue, orange, and green, you simply clip them to your hair with an easy bendable, discreet clip one that was so easy, my newly 7 year old figured it out. I was confused at first. Bend, put in hair and rebend back. Easy Peasy.

We got the orange one but I can tell you we are on the lookout for purple, pink and blue.

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They sell for $4.99 at Kmart, and some grocery outlets.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: We received a complimentary package for our honest opinion. Scunci will also be providing the giveaway product too.

1 comment:

  1. Debbie Duffy2:15 AM

    was out of touch for a day or two ..did you redraw ?


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