Maria's Space: My Life In Pictures - April 1 - April 14

Sunday, August 01, 2021

My Life In Pictures - April 1 - April 14

 April 1 - This is the face of someone who is just over it. You know how it goes. Work, life, bills, something is always just too much. This particular day I was over it! Not sure what I was over but apparently something or someone was pissing me off.  Glad I don't remember what it was and have since moved on. There will always be something that pisses you off.

April 2 - My daughter and I were way too early for work so we pulled over to watch the sun come up and drank our coffee and she ate her hash browns from D and D. It was a beautiful morning and sometimes it is important to take some time and just sit!

April 3 - My daughter decided to get rid of all Stormy's outfits. It is too hard to see them just laying there. We want them to go to someone who loves their Guinea. They were purchased by my son's very special 2nd grade teacher. She is awesome. 

April 4 - Easter baskets have gotten easier to fill over the past few years. I just buy their favorites weeks before Easter. This Easter I had an extra child. Goddess' friend stays over every other weekend so they can volunteer at the animal shelter together. How could I have baskets for my kids and NOT have one for her? She was very surprised.

April 5 - I do try to take selfies as I get older. It is harder because well, I'm older and who wants to look at their own face as it ages? Well, I do it because my kids will want these photos after I am gone. I wish I had more of my mother. It's not a great photo but it is all I have for the 5th.

April 6 - The only pic we took on the 6th was a shot of the radio. My daughter always grabs my camera and takes a photo if she hears a new song she liked or if she hears something she had forgotten about. 

April 7 - Just an old barn. Isn't it beautiful? The weather was beautiful so my daughter and I went walking. One of my favorite things to do.

April 8 - Nothing except class pictures and I do not have permission to share. Wish I did. The kids are so cute.

April 9 - I do love this cheap Dollar Tree spinner.

April 10 - My daughter and I took another CPR class. Would I be able to save someone's life? I hope so. 

April 11 - Sometimes you have to smudge the house! 

April 12 - Out for a walk and played with the colors. I love the crisp detail in this photo.

April 13 - Feeling fine! Wish these masks could come off

April 14 - Happy 16th Birthday Baby Girl! You are my favorite person to hang with in the whole world! I love you to the moon and back! 


  1. How inspiring to take more pictures as the days pass on! Love these!

  2. Wow, the barn photos are AMAZING! So much depth and dimension to the blue color.


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