Maria's Space: The 3 Things You Should Understand Before Bringing Home Your New Puppy

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The 3 Things You Should Understand Before Bringing Home Your New Puppy

Are you getting ready to adopt a new furry friend? Before you welcome your new puppy into the family, it’s important to make sure your home is secure and prepped, and that you’re personally ready to tackle the responsibility. Adopting a puppy can be complex, but you can get ready with these three essential steps.

1. Learn More About the Breed You’re Adopting

Before you bring your new pooch home, make sure to thoroughly research the exact breed you’re planning on adopting. Puppies’ needs and behavior can vary widely breed to breed, so it’s important to know what you’re getting into. For example, if you’re planning on getting champion breed German shepherd puppies, you may need to purchase special types of nutrient-rich dog food and prepare to take your dog out for lots of daily exercise.

2. Puppy-Proof Your Home

Puppies are well known for being bundles of energy that can easily run through an entire house, so it’s critical to puppy-proof your home before bringing your new dog in. This could mean removing dangerous objects from floors, setting up safety guards throughout the house or making sure you don’t leave vulnerable or pricey objects out.

3. Consider Your New Puppy’s Effect on Your Budget

Finally, be sure you carefully consider how much your new dog will cost so you can work the expenses into your budget. Dog expenses involve more than the initial adoption fees! For instance, you should plan to cover:

  • Veterinarian visits
  • Regular grooming visits
  • Dog toys
  • Dog food and treats
  • Dog beds

As you prepare your house and your family for the arrival of your new puppy, it’s important to understand the details of what this adoption entails. Make sure to thoroughly research your new dog’s breed and its specific needs, spend time puppy-proofing your house and work dog-related expenses into your budget for an easy transition into life with your furry friend.


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