Maria's Space: My Life In Pictures - February 1 - 12

Thursday, July 01, 2021

My Life In Pictures - February 1 - 12

 February 1 - We were so covered in snow. It was a beautiful sight and everything looked pretty. I love the snow when we are all home and safe. 

February 2 - My kids and I went out multiple times to shovel so that we were always on top of it and my husband would be able to get into the driveaway when he got home. It was freezing. I was soaked but figured I needed a photo of myself once in a while.

February 3 - Does anyone else eat the bottom of the popcorn with a spoon? I hate getting butter and salt under my nails. 

February 4 - V is for Vegetables! Preschool art is so cute. 

February 5 -  I seriously love this Dollar Tree glass. It is so cute.

February 6 - I gave a friend one of my many homemade gnomes and she sent me a pic of the gnome on your sill. She put it where she does her dishes so she could look at it all the time. 

February 7 - One of my Leprechaun Gnomes. I love making them.

February 8 - Toddler artwork is usually messy.

February 9 - Even when sticking her tongue out, Luna is beautiful. 

February 10 - My favorite preschooler gave me a Valentine gift.

February 11- NADA

February 12 - My class was so generous for Valentine's Day. I love all these heart filled fun. I love my kids and their families. It is so sweet to be appreciated. 

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