Maria's Space: My Life In Pictures Nov 21 - 30

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

My Life In Pictures Nov 21 - 30

November 21 - My little classroom tree. I got it and all the decorations for it at Dollar Tree. While it literally looks like the $4.00 I spent on it. 2 trees, garland and lights; my class called it a Christmas tree immediately and loved it! They were so excited. 

November 22 - I saved a copy of my son's Instagram pic and couldn't agree more. Our kids NEED to get back to school. Enough already. 

November 23 - Just my girl and I hanging out and LUNA decides to make herself comfortable. Never really happens to anyone else in the family. Luna comes to me at night when I first get in the bed but only stays about 25% of the time with her usually playing coy and leaving. 

November 24 - Thanksgiving! 

November 25 -  NADA

November 26 -  JINXY!

November 27 - Some Thanksgiving food! This looks amazing right now.

November 28 - My girl helping her daddy with Christmas decorations. Her brother was playing a video game as usual. OH well, at least one of them helps.

November 29 - The mantel looks amazing. I love it although next year there will be a TV above it so no room for anything, I am enjoying this.

November 30 - My assistant did these really cute Santa hands with the class. Aren't they they cutest?

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