Maria's Space: My Life In Pictures - Nov 11 - Nov 20

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

My Life In Pictures - Nov 11 - Nov 20

Nov 11 - So very busy these days. Here I am waiting in the car for the kids to come out of school. Basically my life. Working, cleaning, school work, blog work and my kids. Life is exhausting but it makes me feel alive.

Nov 12 - One of my favorite things to do is come up with a curriculum for my class.  This was for ocean. I covered cardboard in aluminum foil. Gave the kids paint and let them finger paint the ocean. They then glued fish on however they wanted and as many as they wanted. It was a favorite art project for them because they got to use their hands. 

November 13 - Lulu's Garden was a review consisting of succulents inside a pretty container. We loved it so much I ended up giving one to my sister-in-laws for Christmas. 

November 14 - My Daughter and her Stormy. Stormy is such a good girl. We love her and her sweet little face.

November 15 - Stormy and her cute little Cheerio mouth. She likes to hang out in her basket near us and eat her lettuce and hay. Oh and poop  A LOT.

November 16 - JINXY! 

November 17 & 18 - NADA

November 19 - Such a beautiful sky! My view from work. 

November 20 - My work face! This is what the kids see. Hopefully my eyes are always smiling because they cannot see my face these days. 

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