Maria's Space: Camping With My Girl & Some Friends - Day 1

Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Camping With My Girl & Some Friends - Day 1

We were invited to go camping or glamping if you please since there was a cabin. They were going anyway and asked if we wanted to tag along. With the COVID shut down of everything I really wanted to do something different with my daughter and this was perfect. My son was invited but didn’t want to go which I basically knew would be his answer.  My friend Jen invited us to use the bedroom and she would sleep in the loft with her kids, she also said “don’t bring any food as I am already bringing a ton since we are going anyway“.  I am not picky but my Goddess is so I brought for her and the kids. Grabbed some quick gifts for her kids as well since she wasn’t letting me pay anything, packed up the car and headed out. We were excited to be on an adventure. I am always up for things, my husband is not that guy and for years I have wasted weekends not doing things that would have made me happy because I wanted to be here for him. He is a big boy and can handle whatever and my life isn’t getting any longer so I will be taking these opportunities whenever I can.

They were there before us so when we got there we unloaded the car and while we felt awkward jumped right in. I know them a long time, cat sit for them when they are away but don’t REALLY know them. The kids are nice and my host was very sweet to invite us. 

We got there at 2:50, made our bed which we could tell was crappy. Unpacked the food, and went for a walk so they could show us around. There wasn’t much to see. It is an RV Resort and it looked like many lived there year round. 

We walked to the park, went to play miniature golf but it was closing and headed back. Jen had ordered wood for the fire pit that never came so the girls set about finding twigs to start a fire. 

They did a pretty good job.

We played a card game called Not Parent Approved which is really fun! You need at least 3 people to play it. 

We all headed to bed about 11ish. My daughter was watching something on her iPad for a little while. When she finally shut the light out it was so dark in our room. It truly was the darkest of darks. Next to me in the darkness my daughter says, “It is so dark, I don’t even know if my eyes are open.” I still chuckle when I think about it. She had brought a sleep mask for her eyes in case it was too bright since we didn’t know the sleeping situation. She was like, “Well I obviously won’t need my eye mask.” We laugh off and on for 15 minutes until one of us fell asleep. Probably me!



  1. It looks and sounds like a lot of fun, especially for a kind of last minute getaway! I would love to do this...or anything that involves getting away from the house I've rarely left since March. That was really nice of your "kinda friend" (LOL) to invite you, too. I hope you have (or had) a great time!

    1. Thank you Heather. It was really nice and I am so happy we went. It was a great experience for my daughter. It has been crazy right!? So done with being home.


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