Maria's Space: Tips for Managing Health & Fitness During COVID-19

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Tips for Managing Health & Fitness During COVID-19

COVID-19 has changed life drastically in 2020 in many ways. One area where many people are now struggling is health and fitness, as the pandemic has made it difficult for people to maintain their fitness regimes as well as make it harder to access non-emergency healthcare. So, what can people do to look after their health and fitness while protecting public health and their own wellbeing? There are numerous ways that you can do this, which will hopefully allow you to stay happy and healthy during these challenging times so that you are in a good situation when things start to return to normal.

Maintain A Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is the cornerstone of good health, and you must maintain this during the lockdown. During stressful periods, it is very easy to slip into bad habits, but this could have a negative impact on your physical and mental health, so a balanced diet needs to be a priority. With more time at home, people could learn to cook healthy meals, which is an excellent way to stay in shape.

Online Consultations

If you have any non-emergency health complaints, it is understandable if you do not want to arrange an appointment with a health professional due to the pandemic. However, failure to speak to a professional could make it challenging to manage and could lead to health problems. Fortunately, many places are offering online consultations, which should help you to get the advice that you need to cope without having to leave home.

Exercise at Home

While you may not be able to do your usual exercise, whether this is going to the gym, playing sports, physical therapy with a PT, or a yoga class, you can still exercise at home. If you use physical therapy to manage aches and pains or you are recovering from surgery, you will find that there are at home rehab exercises that you can use, which will help you to manage your physical therapy needs during COVID-19 without having to put yourself or others at risk.

Exercise Outdoors

While you might not be able to exercise in places like gyms and leisure centers, you can still exercise outdoors, and this can be an excellent way to look after both your physical and mental health. Running and cycling are both excellent options, but even a daily walk can bring a range of benefits and should be considered if you are feeling cooped up.

Join Online Communities

If you are concerned about your health and fitness during the pandemic, then it can be hard to know where to turn, but you will find that the internet is an excellent resource for this and can help you to get information that you need to manage. There are many online communities that you can join to ask questions, get advice and engage with others during the pandemic, as well as health and fitness websites/YouTube channels, which will help you to maintain or even improve your health while staying safe.

Health and fitness must be a priority during COVID-19, but this is challenging with so many limitations in place, so hopefully, this post will be of use.

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