Maria's Space: My Life In Pictures - May 17 - 24

Wednesday, July 01, 2020

My Life In Pictures - May 17 - 24

May 17 - Nothing

May 18 - Nothing

May 19 - This boy! He is so damn cute!

May 20 - Stopped in to see my classroom. It is so cute with this tent that no one is using these days. My classroom hasn't been used since sometime in March.  One day we will be back to normal right?!

May 21 -  Game review with this girl! We had a great time as usual. I love that she will play board games with me even if they are for younger kids. 

May 22 - Red Neck Cinema  - This is how my husband and I spend our night in the Spring and some of Summer. When it gets too hot we head to the air condition but on beautiful nights when the temps are below 75 we are outside for at least one movie. 

May 23 - My favorite garden decoration has been decorated every day. Just a token of a leaf or flower but I always give him something.

May 24 - Memorial Day ready. We always have a flag flying but this is the one we save for holidays. 

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