Maria's Space: My Husband - Manic Monday - Pull

Tuesday, March 03, 2020

My Husband - Manic Monday - Pull

Manic Monday – Pull

Manic Monday – Pull

Over at It’s A Blog Eat Blog World, Mo’s word is Pull. Why? Well because he get a hankering for some pulled pork.

My entry isn’t really about pulling pork, it is more about pulling at my heart strings. The person doing the pulling in this picture is my bacon (mula) (eh…see the pork tie in there?) making hubby. In this, one of my favorite pictures from last year, he is pulling our little rug rats or the players of my heart strings for a walk/ride around the block.

I loved this shot because it was a beautiful sunny evening. My husband doesn’t usually have time to do little things like this with us. I love when he makes the effort to really show us that in the craziness of his overextended life at the moment he truly loves us.

Watching them walk ahead of me while I took pictures, really pulled at my heart strings because it encompassed everything I imagined before having kids of what I wanted my life to be after them. Just being together and enjoying the walk, the weather and just being together is really all it takes for this small town girl to be truly happy.

The little people in the wagon are my heart on legs and they pull on my heart strings at least 100 times a day. The man has pulled on my heart strings for seventeen years. Sometimes a good pull and sometimes a OMG BAD pull, but that is what relationships are about. As long as we continue to pull together, things will always be OK.

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