Maria's Space: What Happened To Lunch - Posted Feb 18, 2008

Monday, March 02, 2020

What Happened To Lunch - Posted Feb 18, 2008

I know, I know…I am supposed to have 3 meals a day.
Breakfast was so big and I was not hungry at lunch time. Dinner was 2 small burgers and I know that choice could have been better to but that was what was in the freezer.
Tomorrow breakfast is going to be cereal and I am going to try to make more of an effort.
I really wanted to log my meals before I made changes.  As I mentioned in my first blog about Spark I wanted to make myself accountable for what I ate. How can I be accountable unless I actually see it all in black and white?
There was no exercise this weekend so next week that will have to change. I had been doing some floor work in the evening but that didn’t happen last night and today I was quite the busy bee updating my blog, reading, playing with the kids, cleaning 2 bedrooms from the ceiling lights right down to pulling furniture away from the walls and getting into those corners. The closets were vacuumed out and the book shelves and toy boxes stripped and refilled with a few less things. Something that gets done every few weeks.

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