Maria's Space: 3 Date Ideas for a Work Night

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

3 Date Ideas for a Work Night

Date night with your loved one doesn’t have to be a fancy affair that requires a lot of money or reservations. If you’re looking to break up your weekly routine and do something fun with your sweetheart without leaving the house, here are three stay-at-home date ideas for a work night.

Enjoy Pizza and a Movie

Pick a random day of the week and designate it as your weekly pizza and wine night. Grab a bottle of wine on your way home, google pizza places that deliver near me, and pick out a movie or a TV show. This simple tradition will give you and your partner something to look forward to each week and is a way to spend time together without needing to expend a lot of energy or money.

Start a New Hobby

A new hobby doesn’t need to involve you two going to a spin class or a game night. Although those things are fun too, sometimes you just want to lounge around the house after a long day at work. Why not see if any friends have an instrument you can borrow or see what card games you can play with two people?

Cook a Meal 

Browse the internet or that old recipe book you were gifted at your wedding for a delicious meal or dessert that you can cook together. Try to keep it within your skill level and be sure you have the ingredients ahead of time so your cute date night doesn’t end in a squabble. Put on some music, divide up the tasks and break out your nicest dishes. With any luck, you’ll even have leftovers.

There’s nothing wrong with your normal routine or vegging out on the couch, but if you want to mix it up with your partners the above ideas are a great place to start.

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