Maria's Space: Happy Birthday to The Teach - March 22, 2008

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Happy Birthday to The Teach - March 22, 2008


Happy Birthday to The Teach

Although my husband does not read my blog (*gasp* I know right!?), today is his birthday and I want to honor him here where I spend about 35% of my day.

Since this blog was intended as a legacy for my children I want to tell them just how much he means to me and how awesome he is.

Written with the limited knowledge I have learned through the 17 years of knowing his parents.

Daddy was born in Newark NJ back in 1971. His parents came here from Spain about 3 years earlier to live “the American dream,” the one his father saw in all the movies he watched.
His father (your Abuelo) was a hard worker who learned English, went to college, got a job as an electrician at CBS and made a decent life for his family.

Daddy grew up in New Jersey and was the only boy and the youngest of 3. He went to high school, played football, was in the band, eventually taught himself to play amazing guitar. He was a really great guitar player and joined a few bands. I used to go watch him play and everyone would come up to me telling me what a great guitarist he was.

We met while I was driving around with Aunt Teresa after breaking up with a boyfriend. She knew that I liked long haired guys and noticed him change lanes next to us. He was in front of us and she honked to get his attention. He looked in his rear view mirror and she told me to wave. She didn’t want him to think she was trying to get his attention. She was very adamant about that.

We followed him through 2 towns until he stopped his car. He says now that if his car was faster he could have outrun us. I remember telling her to stop following him because it seemed a bit manic and we didn’t know who he was, where he was going, or what he really looked like. We saw a long haired guy in a car and we were following him? If I had been driving we would never have met because I would not have followed him. She takes total credit for setting us up and also blames herself when we had problems, “If I hadn’t chased him you would have been with someone else.”

We could have met somewhere else because we did like the same music so it may have been inevitable anyway that we ran into each other in a club or bar. Although he wasn’t 21 years old yet so he didn’t go out as much as I was. So who knows.
Anyway, when he finally stopped the car at his destination, and he was cute and had a guitar I was thankful that she had followed him.

She was pushing me to get out so that he again didn’t think she was the one after him. I had no idea what to say. What do you say to someone you obviously chased for 15 minutes, cutting in and out of traffic and park behind him on a suburban street? As I was walking around the car I noticed a blue WSOU Pirate Radio bumper sticker. So what do you think my opening line was? Yup, “where did you get the bumper sticker?”

He told me that he got it at a club, party, someone’s house…I don’t even remember his answer. I just remember feeling stupid and wondering if he was interested in my friend, the tall blonde or in me the short brunette.

I asked about the guitar and he said he was going to rehearsal at his friend’s house. He pointed the the house. I felt like I should let him go but why follow him if I wasn’t going to at least get his phone number?

He said he was looking for a singer for his band and I told him I knew a lot of band people. He gave me his phone number and said if I knew someone who was looking for his band to have them call him.

We got paper and pen and he leaned on the car to write his number. I remember that the name he wrote looked like Toe. I joked about the name and he smiled and said, “No dude, that’s a J”, then he playfully shoved at me and I felt like we knew each other.

I don’t recall the rest. I don’t recall him walking away, or us getting back in the car. I don’t even recall how many days it took me to call him but what I do remember is calling him and telling him that I was the girl who chased him down the other day. He said he knew and that he remembered. I know also that I wanted to be certain that he knew which I was, blonde or brunette. I told him that I was the short brunette and he told me that he knew and that he preferred short brunette’s. Yeah…score.

I’ll save the rest for another day, I just wanted to get into writing how we met.

There are so many reasons as to why “The Teach” is the guy I decided to spend my life with.

Mostly what I want you guys to know as we celebrate his 37th birthday, is that he loves you.

He works hard to make sure that you guys have what you need and what you want. He comes home after running his own company (anyone who has their own knows you work
24/7) and plays Xbox with Handsome and hugs and kisses you both until you can’t stand it.

He may not have time right now to go to the park with us, or family outings but when he is with us he does try to spend as much time as possible talking to you, asking how your day was, what you did, and what you learned. He is eager to see what you drew, colored, painted, etc. He hands over his TV most of the day until 7:00 when he wants the news on. He wrestles, carries, spins and throws you until everyone is exhausted. He takes you out of the bath, dresses and combs your hair, fills milk cups, brings home pizza on Friday’s, cuddles you until you fall asleep Goddess, or carries Handsome to bed when he falls asleep in the living room. Shh’s you when you wake at night and holds you if you get hurt.

He is amazing in so many little ways and in the biggest way of all. He gave me my biggest reason to be here. He gave me the two of you. Without him there would be no you and there would possibly be no me.

Sadly, we were unable to get him much for his birthday but I am sure that the sight of you guys bringing him his gift and saying “Happy Birthday Daddy” this morning were enough for him.
If not, next time he will have to give us a list right????

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