Maria's Space: Panda Plate Craft #chinesenewyear #pandacraft #platecraft

Saturday, February 01, 2020

Panda Plate Craft #chinesenewyear #pandacraft #platecraft

This week for Chinese New Year my plan in school  included a Panda craft. My kids being 2-3 love anything with animals.  I held up my sample plate asking them if they knew what it was and they all said Panda so I knew I was on the right track. I told them to all kiss their brain because they were so smart and we headed to the table 3 at a time to start our Panda craft.

It is funny with 2 year old children. Sometimes they all want to participate and sometimes just a few but this time they were all excited and all wanted to sit and watch the other students do theirs shouting my turn, my turn.

This is a craft with a lot of pieces so I cut each piece out using a template I found at DLTK a great resource for crafts and more.

I did tell the kids where to place things by asking them where their eyes, ears, nose, mouth, etc were. They pointed on their face then I asked them to put the Panda's eyes, nose, mouth etc on. They did pretty good for toddlers don't you think especially those little angry upside down brows.

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