Monday, February 02, 2015


TEETH FAIRIES is a new, interactive book and doll set celebrating a child’s tooth loss process. From the age of about 5 to 12, the average child loses twenty baby teeth. That’s a lot of visits from the Tooth Fairy! This process is an exciting and sometimes stressful time for both children and parents. The new book and doll set, TEETH FAIRIES: A BABY TEETH TRADITION (February 20, 2015), by Ingrid Bencosme, celebrates this tooth loss process and helps kids and parents alike. The book set comes out just in time to help build awareness for National Children’s Dental Health Month and National Tooth Fairy Day on Feb. 28th.

Teeth Fairies: The classic tale of the tooth fairy gets an exciting update and modern twist and helps parents with getting kids to take care of their dental health.

New York, NY – February 1, 2015 – From the age of about 5 to 12, the average child loses twenty baby teeth. That’s a lot of visits from the Tooth Fairy! This process is an exciting and sometimes stressful time for both children and parents. The new book and doll set, Teeth Fairies: A Baby Teeth Tradition (February 20, 2015), by Ingrid Bencosme, celebrates this tooth loss process and helps kids and parents alike. The book set comes out just in time to help build awareness for National Children’s Dental Health Month.

About two years ago, when Ingrid’s eldest daughter Emma got her first loose tooth, Ingrid Bencosme decided that she wanted to make this time as exciting as possible. As a former elementary school teacher for over ten years, Ingrid always saw these life experiences as major opportunities to educate and encourage children. She wanted to make this as fun as possible for her daughter, so she was surprised when she could not find a book that met her needs. She had always made up stories for her students, so it came naturally for her to create her own story. She also thought a doll would make it more interactive and fun and encourage imagination, so again, she looked and could not find anything that worked. So she bought a generic fairy doll and created an exciting experience to share with her daughter.

Lucy, which is what Emma named her Tooth Fairy, visited Emma when she had a loose tooth and would report back to the Fairy Boss on whether or not Emma was taking care of her teeth and eating well. Each morning, Lucy the Tooth Fairy in training (she didn’t become an official Tooth Fairy until Emma lost her first tooth), would show up in a different spot. Emma loved the story and adored her fairy.

Ingrid was amazed at how much Emma loved her fairy Lucy. She took Lucy to school and she talked to her often. She became Emma’s friend. What was even more surprising was that Ingrid was no longer battling with her daughter to brush her teeth. Emma was coming to her mother, saying she needed to brush her teeth because she wanted to show her fairy what a good job she was doing! Emma told all of her friends about her experience and then her friends were telling their parents how they too wanted their very own Tooth Fairy. When the parents came to Ingrid asking where they could get the doll and book, Ingrid was shocked! She had no idea that this would become a phenomenon. Ingrid had test-marketed her story and doll concept without even knowing it.

It’s rare when demand comes before supply, so Ingrid knew that she must create this story and doll for other parents and kids. Thus, Teeth Fairies, was born. The book, which is exciting and fun has whimsical images thanks to Ingrid selecting artist Laura Watson to illustrate the book. The book and doll set comes in a keepsake box and includes an adorable, plush Fairy which each child can personally name and have as their own. The Fairy comes and goes at the loss of each tooth, and is meant to be reused over the span of tooth loss, about six years.

Anything that encourages reading, writing and imagination, I’m all for,” says author Ingrid Bencosme. “As a mom of three (four is on the way), I really want to make the most of these experiences in my children’s lives. They grow up so fast and there is a very small window of opportunity to make things magical and so special for them.”

Teeth Fairies makes the process of baby tooth loss fun for kids and parents. The experience has a lot of flexibility in that parents can decide how often and how involved the Tooth Fairy visits are. By being able to name your own fairy and make it a personal, interactive experience, not only is the child’s fears of tooth loss diminished, but it also promotes imagination. And, best of all, the book and doll encourages children to take care of their teeth, thereby helping parents with what sometimes can be a daily struggle.

Teeth Fairies is approved by many leading pediatric dentists and a portion of the proceeds of the book goes to charities that promote dental health and children’s literacy. Ingrid and her team have also created an interactive, fun and informative website that is a great resource for parents, including tips from a leading pediatric dentist and how to use the doll, and games and apps for kids.

Teeth Fairies book and doll set retails for $49.99 and is available in select children’s bookstores and online at and at

The 411 by Maria and Goddess:

We love Teeth Fairies for so many reasons.

1 - She is adorable

2 - The box she comes in makes us smile

3 - The book she comes with colorful and sweet. We love the story and the art work.

4 - The whole shebang makes kids want to take care of their teeth by giving them someone they can see and feel that wants their teeth to be the best they can be.

5 - Her crown has a pocket for your little ones teeth. Goddess remembers the time that she lost a tooth that she had placed under her pillow before bed time. When she went to check again before she went to sleep it was gone. It took all four of us, 35 minutes to locate that tooth. With the crown you never have to worry about it getting lost again because the pocket in the crown sits atop your fairies head wherever you place her for pick up from the tooth fairy!

For more details here is our Video Review:

We think this is a great gift for kids from their parents, their grandparents, the Tooth Fairy after the loss of the first tooth, or whomever wants to make a child smile. There is nothing like a toothless, especially when those teeth are healthy, clean and white!

Disclaimer: We received a complimentary product for our honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered or received.


  1. This is such a cute book with doll! When my daughter was younger she had a tooth fairy book that she loved but this would have take then cake! LOL

  2. Oh this is adorable. I never really had a tradition for my girls and I wish I would have had this!

  3. that is so cute,my grandaughters would love her

  4. This looks like a sweet tradition. It sounds like fun!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  5. What a neat idea to expend on the tooth fairy tradition!

  6. This is such a great idea! She's so cute too. This would be perfect for my grandson. Thanks for the information & review. :)

  7. TEETH FAIRIES are so cute and I just love the book. The kids would love to read it and play with the doll too.

  8. This is cute and all, and I know that you are never supposed to say anything bad, or criticize anything on these blogs, but (first) marketing and packaging a product does not make it a 'tradition'. Tradition is not something you can buy. Those repulsive Elf on the Shelf people call their product a 'tradition' and this product is clearly modelled on that marketing juggernaut. It may well be a product made by the same people. (second) The actual tradition of leaving a coin or a dollar for a child's tooth and the story of the imaginary and unseen tooth fairy is very sweet, no props are required!

  9. Anonymous3:15 AM

    This is an adorable way for children to learn about the tooth fairy.


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