Maria's Space: Someone Wanted To Interview Me? Little Old Me?

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Someone Wanted To Interview Me? Little Old Me?

Hey I just received notice that I am the Spotlight Blogger at SheSpeaks this month! Woot Woot

Maria Gagliano is the founder and writer at Maria’s Space. She has been blogging for nine years and claims to have the gift of gab, featuring content about parenting, reviews, giveaways and more. 

We recently caught up with her to find out more about her life and here is what we found out, in her own words.

Where you can find me on social media: Facebook - Twitter YouTube - Google + - Pinterest 

I live in….The Hudson Valley of New York.

My niche is…Friendly Face for All/Find Happiness Everyday.

$PullQuote$I write when…..I want to remember something about my kids or life but also when I need to get things off my chest. Sometimes writing equals breathing for me.

How has blogging changed my life: Blogging has enabled me to connect with so many people. Whether a company who wants to send me products for review or another mom who is touched by something I wrote or feels connected by how similar we are. Blogging has opened up my social circle and has made me feel very connected to so many people who I would never have met.

A brand I have loved working with: 20th Century Fox is a favorite and Chicken Soup for The Soul and Purex are awesome companies to work with.

When did I start blogging: My first post was written June 21, 2005. My son’s Godmother sent me her blog link and I thought you had to blog in order to comment.

How I see the future of blogging/social media: I believe social media is where it is at. Whether Twitter, Facebook, blogging or whatever new media comes out. Everyone should be interested in it. It has made the world that much smaller.

Where I work: I am lucky enough to work in my children’s school as a lunch aid/recess monitor. I love my job talking to kids all day and seeing my kids during my day makes me so happy. If I have to be apart from them, at least I get to see them in the midst of our busy day.

I am connected….At various times of the day and try to pre-post a lot of things. My biggest connection is to Facebook. It is where I get all my news and keep up with friends and family.

When I’m stressed, I…..Listen to music or call a girlfriend. However the more stressed I am, the more I turn toward music. Sometimes hearing opinions even if they are agreeing with me makes me feel more stress. Shutting down with some tunes is the way to go for me.

My favorite gadget is….Probably my Kindle. It is by far my favorite. I love flipping through my rows and rows of books all neatly showcased on my Kindle bookshelf. Makes me very happy.

My favorite travel destination is….As someone who has not traveled much I would say so far my favorite is Disney. I love that there is so much to see and do. I am dying to take my kids there and wish money wasn’t an factor.

My favorite clothing brand is…Maybe I am the only one but I don’t have a favorite. As long as it withstands many washing, doesn’t come apart and fits right, it’s my favorite.

I do all my shopping….Well, these days food shopping is taken care of by my husband which means I hardly do any shopping. However when I do we head to Walmart first.

My favorite TV shows: Walking Dead! For the past 6 years I have watched very little TV but would never dream of missing this show.

My favorite movie: This is so hard. I have so many favorites. There is no movie beside Twilight that I have watched more than 3 times. I do love Mamma Mia, The Notebook and anything I can get my kids to watch with me. My daughter and I love Coraline, The Nightmare Before Christmas and Beetlejuice. My son and I watch all the Home Alone movies over and over again.

Coffee or tea: Both! Coffee in the morning and tea at night.

I love….Being with my kids, taking pictures, reading, drawing, and laughing.

I dream about….One day having enough money to take my kids to Disney. They deserve it.

Where you can find my writing: At Maria’s Space.

What else I do: Sing. It is something I do with my kids but won’t be getting on stage anytime soon. I love doing duets with my daughter. We sing everything including chores and randomness. There is nothing that can’t be put to song and if it makes them laugh even better.

Causes I've worked with and made a difference via blogging about: I used to run a small website for my hometown when we lost the newspaper but now I only moderate a Facebook page for folks who live or lived in my town. I love reading and seeing photos from days gone by from my town.

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