Maria's Space: I Have Been Living Half A Life For Too Long!

Monday, February 03, 2014

I Have Been Living Half A Life For Too Long!

Sometimes I feel like the life has been sucked right out of me and I am tired of it.

One day you think you know yourself and where your life will ultimately end up. You have your family, your hopes, your dreams, wishes and wants and the next thing you smacks you in the head and says, no way bitch, you NEED a bump in the road. Can't have you thinking life is good!

And...LIFE is GOOD. Being above ground is a good thing. Breathing and being with friends and family, feeling love and living are all things I hope to do for a very, very long time.  But sometimes there are moments in our lives that make our hearts skip a few beats and not in a good way, that make us stronger. The moments that take what you know about yourself and force you to reinforce and build upon your character, your heart and your soul. There are no guarantees in life. The only thing you can count on is yourself and how you deal with what is presented to you.

So, how have I been living half a life?  I have only been trying to breath and put one foot in front of the other for the past few months and while that is OK and sometimes that is all you can do but then you have to stop, regroup and figure out what you are doing. You cannot stay in that hibernation mode for too long. Life is too quick and I want to live it.

5 Things I Plan On Doing To Change My Current Mindset

1 - Pray. Nightly, daily or whenever the need strikes.

2 - Stop crying. I cannot even take it anymore. I have cried at least 4 pounds of tears in the past month.

3 - Workout at least once a day for 30 mins. Whether I am on the treadmill, doing yoga or just stretching. 30 Mins FIRM! I started this over a month ago and cannot wait for the better weather to move it outside.

4 - Stop waiting for others to make their move so I can make mine. This is not a game, if I feel like I have a move, I should make it.

5 - Focus on what I want not wondering what others are thinking or doing.

Seems like an easy enough agenda for myself.

Life has been hard. Over my 47 years I have found that the only person I can truly count on to take care of ME is me. This is something I have always known but like Dorothy Gale, I sometimes forget that I had the power all the time.

Enough! I'm done. No more tears! Today is going to be a good day.


  1. You GO girl! My mom always told me that no one can make you happy but you!

  2. May the force be with you and things look up. I need to apply some of your advice to my own life.

  3. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Sending you prayers and blessings Maria. I love that you put prayer as your #1. That is so important!
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com


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