Maria's Space: Fall Reader GIVEAWAY: Free Cage-Free Eggs

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fall Reader GIVEAWAY: Free Cage-Free Eggs

We are big egg eaters in this house and if I could I would eat them everyday for breakfast. I love them fried, boiled, scrambled, poached, baked! They are the perfect food so I was excited to check out Nellie's Nest Cage Free Eggs.

Here is what I can tell you:

The egg trays are made for less damaged eggs. No more bumping against each other. Each egg has an individual area to call its own.

I love the idea that these chickens roam in farms without cages. Many of my friends raise chickens and this they say is very important if I am going to purchase eggs from a store.

Find out why these eggs are the better choice here or read my words. These eggs are better because the chickens are raised on a diet of wholesome natural grain. They spend their days in well ventilated barns instead of cooped up in a cage not being able to walk. AND...Nellie's is the first farm in the country to be certified and meet all standards of the Humane Farm Animal Care Program.

The eggs although brown did not stop Handsome from eating them. This was a very good thing. In his eyes eggs are white and how dare I trick him. He was happy to help me in my review.

They are about the size of my normal eggs. The taste the same as my normal egg but I felt so much better knowing that my son and I are eating a better egg because of the diet of all-natural vegetarian grain with NO by-products, hormones or antibiotics.


Handsome ate his two eggs and asked if he could have them for dinner too. Sounds easy enough to me!

Please fill out the Rafflecopter to enter this giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. While I knew cage-free eggs tasted better, I did not know they were so nutritious! That's fantastic!

  2. we promise to keep our hens healthy, happy and busy laying the best eggs possible.

  3. i love that they are humane ceritifed :)

  4. I love that these eggs are higher in omega 3's!


  5. I learned they were the first Certified Humane egg farm in the country


  6. They come in a purple package and they are free roam and certified humane.

  7. I love the carton with a spot entirely for each egg in the purple carton. I like that these eggs are from a cage free facility, and that they are fed all natural grain and that this company is Nellie's Nest Cage Free Eggs · Produced / Packed by Pete and Gerry's LLC - 140 Buffum Road, Monroe, NH

  8. The owner of the co. Used to ride with Nellie the chicken in his bike basket

  9. I like that chickens are treated humanely & also got a new recipe to try Pasta Salad with Herb Vinaigrette

  10. I learned that I could make an Asparagus Frittata, and that it looks pretty easy to make! They have some nice recipes on their site!

  11. I learned there are some pretty great looking dessert recipes on that site!


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