Thursday, August 01, 2013

Morty & Lee Are Commercial Gold! #SwifferEffect

I am in love with Morty and Lee from the Swifter Commercials. It isn't often that I care about particular commercial actors but I think Swifter hit GOLD. This couple makes me stop everything to watch their commercials.

A box of Swifter products arrive at the door and we watch this couple try to figure out what it is and use the products.

My friends and I run quotes when we talk now because they are just too cute.

Morty says, I don't do any cleaning, I make dirt.
Lee says after looking at the the dirty bottom of the Swifter pad, I've been living in a fools paradise
Morty tells Lee "be careful babe" when she is about to get on a step stool to clean.

They are so cute and I wanted to know if they were a "real couple" so I headed to Google and searched them out. Turns out they are a real couple and have 6 children and have been together 44 years.

If you haven't seen Morty and Lee check out the new Swifter ads. This couple shows is a lovely example of what marriage is all about. Supporting, caring about and taking care of each other. LOVE THEM!

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