Maria's Space: Midnight Stallion - March 5th - REVIEW

Friday, February 22, 2013

Midnight Stallion - March 5th - REVIEW

The 411 by Maria:

OK..completely predictable but so what.   I knew exactly what was going to happen through the entire movie within the first 18 minutes from beginning to end.  A family in financial trouble decide to try to save the farm by planting a new type of crop, one that makes more money on the market than their current one. They are wonderful parents who are utterly in love and supportive of each other. Their daughter is a good girl who helps out and will do whatever she can to pitch in. She also has the best manners ever. you are wondering where the beautiful Midnight black stallion on the cover comes in right?! Well, one day the father is riding to clear his head about the financial problems and his wife's idea about the new crop when he spots a stunning horse just prancing around in the wild.  He decides to try to catch the horse so he can enter a horse race and hopefully win a huge sum of money that would help his family.

So, my thoughts, Kris Kristofferson who I am a huge fan of and if you have ever seen A Star is Born you would know why. He was beautiful looks like he should be playing the grandpa and not the father of this young girl however, I do love him so we will let the fact that I had a hard time understanding him. However, I am a fan of Miss Ferland who was in Eclipse, Cabin In The Woods, The Haunting Hour, Silent Hill and Kingdom Hospital and thought she was perfect as the good, cowboy hat wearing, horse riding daughter. 

It is a sweet movie. Even the teen relationship is sweet!  Great family movie full of inspiration and a reminder on how we should never give up!


Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy for my honest opinion.

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