Maria's Space: Get Your Daily Requirement of Omega 3 with an Omax 3

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Get Your Daily Requirement of Omega 3 with an Omax 3

The 411 by Maria:

Teach and I are both at a place where we put a lot of weight on what we put in our body. Maybe it is because we are getting older. Maybe it is because of my medical issues in 2010. Whatever it is, it isn't a bad thing.

Both of us are careful what we put into our body and I can tell  you that for him, it is really showing. He looks better than ever but than again he only eats 6 different things and works out 2 hours a day for the past 4 months. Good for him but this is not something I can do. 

What I can tell you is that the omax3 Ultra Pure soft gels are easy to take and easy to remember. The best part like the feature portion of this post states is that there IS NO fishy burps. If you have taken Omega 3 supplements you know this is pretty nasty.  These tablets are easy on the stomach as well. I have had no issues. While I have not tried the freezer test myself it makes sense.  Knowing there are no saturated fats makes this something the Teach and I feel we can take for a long time. We like knowing that although it is one more pill, it is a good one!


  1. Anonymous3:04 AM

    What happened to the Rafflecopter?

  2. I take a multivitamin and fish oil

  3. Marissa M12:34 AM

    I take a multivitamin!

  4. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Fish Oil, B-12


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