Maria's Space: So Much Blue N' Yellow

Monday, July 30, 2012

So Much Blue N' Yellow

This past Wednesday was the kids last day of swim class so I brought along the camera and walked the halls before we went to the pool. The high school art class at this school is amazing and their window displays really show off their talents. Here are just a few of the murals and art displays.

This paper fish was hanging by wire in a glass fish bowl
One of my favorite pieces. This artist has amazing talent.
How cool is this! Nice place to add some beautiful color


  1. I used to work in a high school, and I was often impressed by the talent of people so young.

    Happy Blue Monday, Maria.

  2. Very creative kids!

    My Blue.

  3. I like the eye and paint brush one.

  4. Wow, colorful and interesting!

    Visiting for Blu Monday- hope you can stop by..

  5. wow, very impressive young artists! love that paper fish :) Hope you can stop by at my blog: Blue Monday.

  6. Amazing art works!

    Visiting for MYM- hope you can stop by..

  7. Thank you everyone. @Freda, that was my favorite too! I have to tell you, I would stop by this window twice a week for 4 weeks and would spend 10 minutes looking as if it were the first time. Amazing HS students.

  8. Just gorgeous! Late visit from Blue Monday. Come aand see my BLUE, when you get a chance. Your comment will be greatly appreciated!


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