Maria's Space: Blue Monday - The Magic of Belle Isle

Monday, June 25, 2012

Blue Monday - The Magic of Belle Isle

If you remember, last year I was on a mission to grab photos of Morgan Freeman, Rob Reiner who were filming Summer at Dog Dave's near my town.  Well, that was last summer. This weekend, I was invited to attend a screening of The Magic of Belle Isle which is the new name of Summer at Dog Dave's (I like this name better).

Isn't it cool that they left the movie sign?

The screening was held in Greenwood Lake NY and was at the lake where the movie was filmed.

The town of Greenwood Lake was abuzz with happy, proud people who were excited to see their town shown on the screen. Fortunately for me, I have friends in high places and was able to snag a band so I could cover the screening for the website I run. It was incredible to see all these people, so full of pride!

If you have a chance see the Magic of Belle Isle starring Morgan Freeman and directed by Rob Reiner.


  1. That is exciting.

    Happy Blue Monday, Maria.

    (I never return to read any comment made after mine. I'd much rather have a comment left on my post.)

  2. Good far you. Not people get an opportunity like that.

  3. That is so cool!

    Visiting for Blue Monday- hope you can stop by..

  4. Pretty girl holding up that sign! ;-)

  5. Sounds exciting, happy blue Monday!

    Come and see my BLUE when you get a chance.

  6. Oh wow, that would be thrilling. Visiting from Blue Monday.

    Here's my BLUE, your comment will make me happy.

  7. How cool! I'll keep an eye for the film!


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