Maria's Space: Get Fit With Essentrics

Monday, June 04, 2012

Get Fit With Essentrics

The 411 by Maria:
Many who know me know that I had major surgery at the end of 2010 which left me with compromised abdominal muscles and a hernia on the left side of my stomach which means another surgery on the horizon.

After my first mega baby which really stretched out my size 7 belly and ended in a breech, emergency cesarean followed by a second cesarean 22 months later, my belly will never be the same and I don't expect  it to but before babies. I had a super flat belly with cute little cuts. Those days are long gone and I am not looking to get them back but what I would like to get back is some energy and ease of movement.

Essentrics will do that for sure. When I put the first disk in, I was surprised with how easy the movements were. They are the right combination of low impact and speed to feel like you are getting a nice workout for your muscles.

My favorites involved all the floor exercises which concentrated on the stomach and thigh area in the first workout. Wow...after a few weeks of these, you should see a difference. Essentrics seems to be a combination of stretching, dance and toning. The movements seemed all very dance related and you can really feel your muscles limbering as you move.

My only complaint would be that as a newbie, it would have been nice to see one of the trainers do a modified workout for those who aren't quite up speed. You basically jump right in and that would be fine if I were 10 years younger so I had to take a break by minute 18. Thankfully there were some nice stretches that really helped and since I was on the floor already (floor exercises) I put my head down for 2 minutes and jump back in to finish the stretches at the end.

I will be moving onto the full body workout tomorrow and alternate for hopefully 2 weeks to see if I notice a difference. Summer is here and while I am not looking to be bikini ready, I want to have the stamina to do everything the kids want to do this summer.


  1. I am really looking froward to hearing your updates. This sounds like the perfect work out program for me, but I hesitate to purchase until I know it's actually working on real people and not just the stars.

  2. I was only able to do 17 minutes today. It is something I would love to do every day and while it is low impact, this is a great way to get a short workout that really works. Hope by next week, I have most of the moves down so I can concentrate on form

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