Maria's Space: Finding Emma by Steena Holmes - A Story About Never Letting Go!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Finding Emma by Steena Holmes - A Story About Never Letting Go!

The story details a child torn from the arms of loving parents, a heart-breaking story of a mother’s journey of hope… Megan sees her daughter Emma everywhere. She's the little girl standing in the supermarket, the child waiting for the swings at the playground, the girl with ice cream dripping down her face. But it's never Emma -- because Emma's been missing for two years. Unable to handle the constant heartache of all the false sightings, Megan's husband threatens to walk away unless Megan can agree to accept Emma is gone. Megan's life and marriage is crumbling all around her and she realizes she may have to do the thing she dreads most: move on. When Megan takes a photo of a little girl with an elderly couple at the town fair, she believes it to be her missing daughter. Unable to let go, she sets in motion a sequence of events that could destroy both family’s lives. 

Praise for Best-Selling "FINDING EMMA":
·         Finding Emma is a heartbreaking story of a mother's journey of hope...captured by the emotion and depth of the characters from the beginning."
·         "Finding Emma may be the most heart-wrenching and heart-warming book I have ever read...Tense, emotional and realistic it will ring your emotions dry."

The 411 by Maria:

Knowing that this wasn't a true story made it easier to read. Well, let me take that statement back for a second. This is not a non-fiction book about a story based on the author's experience however it is something that many parents go through.

In Finding Emma, Megan is a busy mom with three daughters. While rushing around one morning she asks one of the girls to lock the house door on their way inside. Unfortunately, it doesn't get locked and her almost 3 year old Emma disappears. This all happens in the first chapter. We pick up the story 2 years in where Megan is racked with guilt, her marriage is falling apart and her daughters wish they were the ones taken so that mom would love them as much as they love Emma.

Megan sees Emma everywhere, so much so that she has literally tries to grab little ones away from their scared moms.

I loved this book. It wasn't as frightening as you would imagine a book about child abduction to be. As a mom of two this is one of my biggest fears and completely understand Megan's NEED to continue looking for Emma even without any leads.

My favorite character is Megan's husband Peter. His subtle way of dealing with his own pain from losing his daughter was how I would expect most men to deal with this. It also makes it easier for me to understand why parents of abducted children can speak on the news. I always thought, "how are they talking, I wouldn't be able to utter a sound."

This is something that unfortunately happens every day and I appreciate Steena Holmes for writing a story that was not overly dramatic for shock value but seems to deal realistically with the various ways people deal with the paths that life tosses our way. 

It is a reminder that there are two sides to every story and how we deal with each other really matters. Acceptance and understanding of other others differences is important to all relationships.

You will love this story about a family falling apart at the seams but cocooned in love.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy for the sole purpose of this review.

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