Maria's Space: Guest Post by Jan Britland Author - Tips To Get Children To Read!

Monday, November 07, 2011

Guest Post by Jan Britland Author - Tips To Get Children To Read!

I am an avid reader and want to raise children who love it as much as I do. Fortunately, as part of a campaign through Stories For Children Publishing I was allowed to ask a question to children's books author, Jan Britland. 
Jan, thank you for taking my question, what are your tips for getting children to read?

Jan says - 
Since my books are for pre-school through first grade I get requests from moms who are trying to figure out ways to get their young ones interested in reading.  I usually tell them about what I call the “telephone principle.”  You know, how your child or children always want to have your undivided attention once you get on the phone, or in the middle of your favorite program?  Well it also works with reading as well.  If your young child doesn’t show any interest in books it is your responsibility to get them interested and this is how I did it with my children.  Get a good rhyming book like The Adventures of Rodger Dodger Dog.  I use this example because there are three short stories in the book.  Sit down near your child and start reading to yourself.  As you read you must act as if you are having fun.  Laughing as you read.  Eventually your child will come over to see what you are doing.
If your child asks why you are laughing you can show one of the colorful funny illustrations to him/her saying because this is so funny.  You can then ask your child if they would like you to read it to them as well.   Once you get permission from your child he is committed to listening.  Read him the first story Talented Dog.  When you are through ask if he would like to hear the next story.  Because the first story is very short, usually the child will want to hear the second as well.  If he gives you permission again read on.  The second story Clever Dog is just a little longer than Talented Dog.  In some young children two stories are enough, but if your little one wants to hear Strongest Dog read it too.  These are all short stories with very action packed colorful illustrations that even without the text are very entertaining.  The next time you read the book give your child one word to be responsible for.  Write it on a piece of paper and made sure they know what the word means.  When you come to that word have them read it.  I find they love having their own word to read it makes them feel important.  I hope this helps.   

1 comment:

  1. You can find out more about Jan Britland’s World of Ink Author/Book Tour schedule at There will be giveaways, reviews, interviews, guest posts and more. Make sure to stop by and interact with Britland and the hosts at the different stops by leaving comments and/or questions.

    In addition, come listen to Blog Talk Radio’s World of Ink Network show: Stories for Children at The hosts VS Grenier, Kris Quinn Chirstopherson and Irene Roth will be chatting with Jan Britland about her books, writing, the publishing industry and experiences with virtual tours. Britland will also be sharing writing tips and trials, and tribulations of the writer’s life. The show will be live November 28, 2011 at 2pm EST.


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