Maria's Space: Color Carnival Sunday #7

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Color Carnival Sunday #7

Hello everyone I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Please leave your link below so everyone can visit you. If you are confused on the new format, please know you are not alone. We took a vote and we are doing away with the voting system. Link away and have a great week!

Here is my colorful submission for this week.

The Senior Center created a moral based on their take on What's In Your Heart for September 11th. They asked that I come down and take a photo that they could send to their screen printer to make shirts and sweatshirts for their fundraisers. It is so colorful and I am definitely going to purchased a sweatshirt when they are done.


  1. What a beautiful, colorful mural. The seniors did a great job!

  2. It's so beautifully done, I don't mind having one of that if it's available here!

  3. Renee,
    Thanks. We love their work. Every year they do a great job. They are incredible people.

    Truly sweet folks at our senior center. Trying to interview them about their Christmases past but so far no one has responded.


I love comments. Please feel free to leave a comment. I would love to talk to you further