Maria's Space: There Is No Reason To Spend $100's On A Birthday Party

Monday, June 27, 2011

There Is No Reason To Spend $100's On A Birthday Party

Why do we feel we need to spend $100's on our children's birthday parties these days? Is it to keep up with the Jonese? Is it because we think it is what our child wants? Is it because we want them to be popular? Whatever your reason, there really is no reason for it. Kids, just love being together.

Yesterday the kids and I headed to a the beach for a friend's birthday party. Last year I spent over $500.00 on each kid's birthday party and this year about $225.00. My girlfriend and her family of 4 with number 5 on the way in a month invited a slew of family and friends to celebrate at the beach. When we got there, her husband was grilling, the kids were playing on the water and the tables were set.

The kids ranging from 2-12 and had free play for about 45 minutes and were then called to the table for hot dogs, veggies, ziti and Capri Suns. They went back to the water and played frisbee!

After that, our host called us out for games of:
Potato Sack Race
Watermelon Eating Contests
Water Balloon Toss

Picnik collage

Everyone had a great time and she probably spent a total of $100.00 with the food, cake, drinks, balloons, and gift buckets. Plus the kids loved it!

Picnik collage

1 comment:

  1. in this economy it pays to be creative in finding ways to celebrate without breaking the bank.


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