Maria's Space: ABC Wednesday - Talent

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

ABC Wednesday - Talent

This week we are looking at the letter T and the first word that came to my mind was "talent". I must use that 10 times a day. My daughter (just 6 years old) loves creating things using forms of mixed media. She doesn't know that's what she is doing but it is.

Sometimes she saves things like toilet paper rolls, little bottles, charms, leafs, flower petals, walnut shells and uses them in your drawings.

Here are some from this week.

Notice the tree's angry faces, the little girl screaming and the witch hiding behind the bush. 


In this one, she used the word mom but made it into a vampire picture (You may think it is because I have too much Twilight around but it's not. She has no idea what Twilight it. This is all from Scooby Doo). When pressed she said the red circles are from the blood that dripped from their teeth.


When I asked if the person was running away (it was right after the Boo picture), she said, Mommy..he is ice skating.

One of my favorites
Feb 22, 2011 (2)


  1. Very imaginative! Lovely stuff mama!

  2. very talented indeed.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. These are just great! She has a wonderful sense of space, size and color.

  4. Anonymous2:36 PM

    You know that I think the world of her and completely agree with you that she has an amazing talent.
    I agree that the last one is my favorite. She is definitely going to go into the Arts when she grows up, I can't wait to see what it is.
    Lorie Shewbridge

  5. Best kind of activities ever, scissors, glue and anything and everything around the house.

  6. fabulous...ohhh such cute one...i loved them more since my 6 year old princess is alwyas upto such things. oregamy, art all mesmerises her.


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